tooth avulsion is a dental emergency,knock out tooth from socket,home first aid
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Knock out tooth from socket

Home first aid

Tooth avulsion is a dental emergency where a tooth is completely knocked out of its socket due to trauma. Immediate and proper management is crucial for the survival of the tooth. This guide provides steps to manage an avulsed tooth at home using common household items before you can see a dentist.

Common Causes Include:

  • Traffic accidents
  • Injuries from contact sports such as rugby, football, lacrosse, hockey, and martial arts
  • Falls
  • Bicycle accidents
  • Physical assaults

Stay Calm and Act Quickly:
Time is critical. The quicker you act, the better the chances of saving the tooth.

Handle the Tooth Properly:
Pick up the tooth by the crown (the chewing surface), not the root. Touching the root can damage cells necessary for reattachment.

Clean the Tooth Gently:
If the tooth is dirty, rinse it gently with milk or saline solution. Do not use soap, chemicals, or scrub the tooth.

Reposition the Tooth if Possible:
Try to place the tooth back into its socket immediately. Ensure it is facing the right way. Bite down gently on a soft cloth or gauze to keep it in place.

Keep the Tooth Moist:
If repositioning is not possible, keep the tooth moist. Place it in a container with milk, saliva, or a saline solution. Avoid water as it can damage the root cells. If the above are not possible keep it in your mouth but If the patient is very young, he/she could swallow the tooth- therefore it is advisable to get the patient to spit in a container and place the tooth in it. Avoid storage in water!

Seek Immediate Dental Care:
Visit a dentist or emergency room as soon as possible. The best chances for reimplantation are within 30 minutes to an hour.

Tooth avulsion is a dental emergency| Promt management is the key

Pain Management:
Use over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen to manage pain.

Avoid Certain Foods and Drinks:
Avoid hot beverages, alcohol, and sugary foods that might irritate the area.

Proper management of an avulsed tooth at home can significantly increase the chances of successful reimplantation by your dentist. Always act quickly.

What can I expect if I have an avulsed tooth?
If your avulsed tooth is successfully reinserted by you or your dentist, you’ll need regular follow-up appointments to monitor its condition. Typically, you’ll have a check-up one month after the initial treatment, followed by visits every three months for the first year. After the first year, annual check-ups are recommended for the next five years.

How long do reinserted avulsed teeth last?
A reinserted tooth can remain functional for 10 to 20 years. However, it will eventually become loose or fall out. When this happens, you’ll need to consider replacement options such as a partial denture, dental bridge, or dental implant.

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